Now that winter is coming to an end, we are so excited to get back in the saddle again! Although we love the beautiful snow capped mountains and great views from the trail of a snowmobile (what we do in the winter), like Churchill said, “No hour of life is lost that is spent in the saddle,” and we couldn’t agree more. In fact, we think no life is complete without sitting in the saddle for at least part of the year. Getting to ride around on our favorite horses, meet new people and engage in conversations with old friends, summer is one of our favorite times of the year. But, for now, we will recap how our winter went! After our Fall, we were able to take a few and took many trips around Jackson. We even were able to visit Yellowstone days off and prepare for the winter. Once December 15th hit, Riley began to snowmobile
and see the amazing features it has to offer. Now that winter is coming to an end, we get to take some time off once more before we start the summer pack trips, in which we plan to visit California! We are ready for our toes in the sand that is for sure. Stay tuned for updates on availability for pack trips and important updates for Fall hunts! Have a wonderful Spring Break everyone!