September – October
Guided Hunts By Licensed Wyoming Hunting Outfitters
Shoal Creek Outfitters is very unique. Unlike most outfitters, we don’t have just one camp in one area, we have four camps in four areas. Two of these camps are South Of Jackson and the other two are North Of Jackson. All hunts are done on horseback (to be able to travel the vast area that Shoal Creek Outfitters hunts). We will provide gentle, sure footed, and mountain-wise horses to carry you on your trip. In addition to great horses, Shoal Creek Outfitters provides a knowledgeable able guide that has hunted in the area for several years. All of these elements combined, will insure a quality hunt with high success rates!

Mule Deer Hunts
Shoal Creek Outfitters offers 7-day, two hunters per one guide or private guided Mule Deer hunts in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. We hunt the high elevations for quality mule deer in the Gros Ventre Mountain range.
Antelope Hunts
Shoal Creek Outfitters offers 5-day Antelope, two hunter per one guide hunts in area 86. Antelope hunts are great for an add-on to elk or deer hunts or for people that have trouble with mobility in the high elevations. This will give you a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery Wyoming has to offer and harvest a quality buck antelope.

Black Bear Hunts
Shoal Creek Outfitters offers 5-day, one hunter per one guide spring bear hunts off of a bait site. The areas we hunt are known for producing color phase bears. Hunters stay at a hotel in Jackson Hole. We use a truck and trailer to transport us to the back roads and then leave for about an hour horseback ride to the bait site. Hunting primarily evening provides time to enjoy the beauty of Jackson Hole with your family or your significant other.
Big Horn Sheep Hunts